Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Let It Snow!

Just in case you hadn't noticed: It snowed on Sunday, the day after Christmas.

We actually have part-time jobs that involve having to go out when most people are home enjoying a snow day.

While horror stories abounded about clogged unplowed roadways, one of us drove home Sunday just after 11 p.m. on snowy but passable roads - state, county, and local. Unfortunately, our vehicle didn't make it quite far enough into the driveway to ensure that it wouldn't get tagged by a passing plow.

So, at midnight - after we discovered that our snow blower was not working - we dug out a space just big enough to get completely into the driveway.

This morning we found that our back-up snow-blower (stored at my in-laws) also wouldn't start.

If it had just snowed one day earlier at least we could have hitched a ride on Santa's sleigh.


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